
作者:课题组 累计浏览:

【摘要】 普遍认为,经济、社会和文化权利是基本人权,对一国和地区的经济发展和人类进步异常关键。UNDP以及其他一些国际组织已经对许多国家和地区的经济、社会和文化权利状况进行了定量评估,作为监督和促进这些国家和地区人权实施的重要依据。对中国来说,一些组织已经从不同侧面对经济、社会和文化权利做出了相应的评价,但这些评价还不足以反映中国的人权实践。

基于此,我们试图从经济学的视角系统研究中国的经济、社会和文化权利实践,并在此基础上提出关于中国人权实践的研究报告。本报告由六个子报告构成,这些子报告分别阐述和研究了经济、社会和文化权利的理论和中国的法律实践,教育权,健康权,劳动权,住房权,以及NGO的作用等六个方面。这些报告总体上表明,中国的经济、社会和文化权利正在改善,但问题不小,主要表现在一些关键权利缺失,得不到法律和相关制度的有效保障;教育和医疗领域存在较严重的不平等,人口占多数的城市低收入者和农民只能获得较少的教育和健康资源;就业领域同样存在不平等,身份、健康、年龄、性别等方面存在一定程度的歧视;城市低收入者缺少住房等。为了准确评价中国的经济、社会和文化权利的现状和变化,我们还引入了Chapman (1996)、UNDP(2000)、 Landman(2004) 和Apodaca(2005)等发展的人权度量理论和方法,试图从教育权、健康权和劳动权三种权利的视角建立各自的权利指数,通过指数来度量这些权利的总体变动情况。考虑到数据的可得性和真实性,我们选择了2000-2004五年期来制作指数,这些指数都反映出中国经济、社会和文化权利的改进情况。当然,改进人权实践过程中出现的问题才是最重要的,NGO组织在监督和促进人权进步方面非常重要,但在中国这些组织的发展受到不同程度的抑制,并且大多数NGO是在政府直接控制下工作的,作用非常有限。无疑,对中国的未来发展来说,改进经济、社会和文化权利将是关键的一环,其中政府需要通过法律和制度创新来发挥应有的作用,同时,NGO组织应该获得充分的发展空间,作为改善人权的重要力量。

[Abstract] It is sure that the economic, social and cultural rights(ESCR) are fundamental human rights, which is key for economic development and human’ progress in a country or region. UNDP and other international organizations have reviewed the progress of ESCR in many countries by quantity methods, they can monitor and improve practices of those countries and regions based on those reports. And those IOs have given those reviews for China also, but which are lack of some reasonable data. So we try to review the practices in China based economics, and will give a report about these reviews. This report consist of six sub-reports, which show lonely the theory of ESCR and law arrangement in China, the right to education, the right to health, the right to labor, the right to shelter, and NGO. These sub-reports all shows that the ESCR have been improved in China, but some questions occur, for example, unequal rights distribution are found for education and health, the majors in a population are persons who are low income and countrymen, but they only get less resources of education and health. There is unequal for labor also, the discrimination come from the status, age, gender, feature, political opinions, and so on. There are less houses for those persons who live in city but are low-income. In order to reasonably review the status and progress of ESCR in China, we introduce some methods measuring human rights, for example, HDI developed by UNDP(2000) based on progressive realization, a violations approach by Chapman (1996),a subsistence rights approach by Apodaca(2005), a three-dimension approach by Landman(2004), and so on, and measure the right to education, health, and labor by right indicators. These indicators are done based on data during 2000-2004 year under the limitation of availability and quality. These indictors have shown that the ESCR in China have been improved these years. It is necessary to correct the practices of ESCR in China, NGOs will play very important role for monitoring and improving, but the development of those NGOs have been limited, many or those operates under the control of government, so they can’t efficiently do something. It is certain that to improve ESCR is key for future development in China, government ought to play actively role by law and other institutional innovation, but NGO need to be given the sufficient space of development.
